Nikon D7000 Price With 18-105mm Lens Kit
Major online retailer like amazon is selling the Nikon D7000 including the 18-105mm lens kit at a low price of $1,499 and it also comes with free shipping within the United States. Since the total price is more than $25, you will automatically qualify for super saver shipping. After confirmation, the camera will be delivered within 5-9 business days.
If you want faster shipping, you can sign up for the amazon prime free trial and you can get unlimited free two day shipping when you order the nikon D7000.
Photography Tips
Discusses photography in a simple and quick way : articles , tutorial and tidbits.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Texture and Contrast
You need the contrast of light and shadow to record texture. Light striking a subject from an andle accentuates the surface, defining all its bumps , hairs or ridges. If the light is strong and low , the texture will be more pronounced in your photograph. Using this type of light, for example, you can show the roughness of sandstone or the coarseness of weathered wood to create a photograph with a greater vsual dimension.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Discover Your Personal Style
Your photography may already have a style. To find out, gather a large collection of your prints or slides and analyze them carefully. Find the common factors in the photographs. Do you gravitate toward close-ups or landscapes. Are your landscapes only of natural subjects or do you photograph scenics that include manmade objects ? Do you use your wide-agle or your telephoto lens more often? Do yourphototographs portray a message ? If so , is there a common message underlying your works. Make a list of chracteristics that stand out to you. As someone ou trust if they see a common denominator in your photographs. The process will also help you discover favorite techniques , view-points , colors or subjects. You'll see where you've been and perhaps where youre going with our vision.

Photography Tips
Photography Tips
Monday, August 23, 2010
Power Of Photography
Photographs can take us to a time and place where it was possible for us to be there. It is through photographs where we can reminisce the good memories of the "old days" or perhaps the most memorable events in our lives like a wedding, graduation and of course prom night. I am sure that we are all familiar with the photograph which caught the world's attention and gave it a title "The Kiss".

It was taken by a German immigrant named Alfred Eisenstaedt at the Times Square on August 14, 1945 after Japan's announcement which means the end of the second world war. Another memorable photograph is called the "Migrant Mother" it was taken during the great depression which captures a worried looking mother with three children with her. The woman was known to be Florence Owens Thompson and the picture was taken in California during the great depression around February 1936 which clearly depicts the hard times.
It was taken by a German immigrant named Alfred Eisenstaedt at the Times Square on August 14, 1945 after Japan's announcement which means the end of the second world war. Another memorable photograph is called the "Migrant Mother" it was taken during the great depression which captures a worried looking mother with three children with her. The woman was known to be Florence Owens Thompson and the picture was taken in California during the great depression around February 1936 which clearly depicts the hard times.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Properties Of Color
The brightest of all colors, emit light in a photograph. These color pop visually when set against any other color except white. Yellow emotionally aggressive and energetic, radiating warmth, and a strong light. Becauase yellow was so visually powerful, it can dominate the composition, although it appears only a small portion of the frame.

The brightest of all colors, emit light in a photograph. These color pop visually when set against any other color except white. Yellow emotionally aggressive and energetic, radiating warmth, and a strong light. Becauase yellow was so visually powerful, it can dominate the composition, although it appears only a small portion of the frame.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Color Harmony In Photography
Color harmony is important in photography , even if we dont always get to choose the colors of our scene. For every color, there is an opposite color and the two form a complementary pair. On the color wheel , orange sits opposite blue , vioelts sits opposite yellow and green sits opposite red.

Monday, August 9, 2010
Chiaroscuro in Outdoor Photography
The more technical use of the term chiaroscuro is the effect of light modelling in painting, drawing or printmaking, where three-dimensional volume is suggested by the value gradation of colour and the analytical division of light and shadow shapes - often called "shading". The invention of these effects in the West, "skiagraphia" or "shadow-painting" to the Ancient Greeks, was traditionally ascribed to the famous Athenian painter of the 5th century BC, Apollodoros. Although virtually no Ancient Greek painting survives, their understanding of the effect of light modelling can still be seen in the late 4th century BC mosaics of Pella, Macedonia, in particular the Deer Hunt, in the House of the Abduction of Helen, inscribed gnosis epoesen, or 'knowledge did it'.

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Perspective Tip on Outdoor Photography
To create more dynamic outdoor photographs , use the characteristics of perspective to describe relationships of size and depth.
Move in close an object to exaggerate its size on the frame compared to the background elements. Try framing a background subject with a foreground element to give your image a greater feeling of depth. Once you understand the power of perspective and how to alter it , you have another creative tool for giving your images greater visual depth.

Move in close an object to exaggerate its size on the frame compared to the background elements. Try framing a background subject with a foreground element to give your image a greater feeling of depth. Once you understand the power of perspective and how to alter it , you have another creative tool for giving your images greater visual depth.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pattern In Photography : Inspiration
Pattern forms when such elements as shapes , lines or colors repeat within a scene and it amplifies the significance of each individual element. When you have three or more similaar elements in your image , a pattern emerges. But i've never found that just three rocks , tress or blossoms or three of anything else , create a strong pattern , even if they are identical. By the same token , an image filled with a variety of patterns can lose impact. But an image of , say , a field of wild flowers in which only one or two types of flowers are repeated in your frame can be very strong.

Friday, August 6, 2010
Simplicity Rules
Key for great photos : simplicity .. looks for simple things around you . Dont try to capture anything in the frame. Put one or two element , combine it with lighting and forms and there you go.

Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3
This monster lens is a perfect all-rounder , great for DSLR beginner looking to expand their kit. It is built specifically for DSLRs and has a 35mm equivalent of 28-419mm. With Vibration Control means you will be able to take sharp shots even at the long end of the lens. With Tamron's light yet sturdy build quality this is a brilliant second lens - you might never need another.
Sample Photos:
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wildlife at Your Home
You dont need access to exotic wildlife , show-jumping horses or trained canine athletes to photograph animals in action. If you , a neighbour or a family member has a pet , you have a ready made test subject to practise with. Enlist an assistant to act as your animal entertainer and arm them with treats and toys to keep your subject interested. Use a feather tied to some fishing line to encourage a feline model to run and jump or ask someone to throw a ball for a canine subject so you can practise your panning technique. The more homework you do , the better prepared you will be when you do manage to get out on that big wildlife safari
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wide angle lens focal length
If your shortest focal length is provided by a kit lens , consider adding an ultrawide angle zoom to your bag. The expanded field of view can be useful when shooting in cramped locations , for including more people in a group photo or for creating dynamic images that are not possible with the standard zoom lenses.
A 10mm to 12mm focal length produces a remarkably wide field of view of 99 degrees or greater . That can be useful for including more subjects in a single photo. But it is also great for making images with entirely different visual effects.
Photography Tips |
A 10mm to 12mm focal length produces a remarkably wide field of view of 99 degrees or greater . That can be useful for including more subjects in a single photo. But it is also great for making images with entirely different visual effects.
Photography Tips
Dont Forget about the Foreground
Something many people looking to improve their landscape photos should do is to use a proper foreground. Of course, you can take a beautiful ocean or sunset and I’m sure it looks lovely. Still, it likely looks just any other ocean or landscape photo that millions of other people have taken. You should try being a little more unique.
Like a ninja, use the surrounding objects to your advantage. If you’re on a beach, see if you can stand near a cool rock formation, jetty or dock and place that in the foreground. Remember, you don’t want to overpower the main subject of the ocean or sunset with these foreground objects, but instead you want them to complement the main subject and enhance the way it looks.
Like a ninja, use the surrounding objects to your advantage. If you’re on a beach, see if you can stand near a cool rock formation, jetty or dock and place that in the foreground. Remember, you don’t want to overpower the main subject of the ocean or sunset with these foreground objects, but instead you want them to complement the main subject and enhance the way it looks.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Flower Abstract : Simple Yet Beauty
Just got this photo while ago. I love the beauty of it .. simple , colourful and abstract. Some day i will make this kind of photo :)
Photography Tips
Photography Tips
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Using Polarizer For River Photos
A polarizing filter will give all colours a boost , not just primary hues. In this case , the effect is subtle but the filter has added punch , making the foliage appear more lush and enhancing the greens and browns on the stones.
Shutter Speed
Polarizers reduce the amount of light entering your camera , which makes for longer shutter speeds. This can be a problem , but in this particular instance the longer speed has a pictorial benefit , adding extra blur to the water.
Glare for non-metallic surfaces is ubstantially reduced by a polarizer. In addition to reducing distracting highlights this also ensures you get more detail in key parts of your images, particularly those that include water
Photography Tips
Friday, July 30, 2010
Play With The Light
Too much contrast makes it difficult to get a good picture. This is true when sunny conditions exist. To narrow the contrast range, use fill-flash or a reflector to add light to the shadow areas. An alternative is to use a diffuser to soften the light. Any type of translucent,white material works fine. Collapsible disks that fit in a camera bag are marketed for such purposes.

Photography Tips
Photography Tips
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Camera Lens To Take On Your Safari
So you've booked your once in a lifetime safari trip to Africa and now your thoughts turn towards photographing all the wildlife you are going to encounter on your adventure.
It would be a great shame to come across your first African pride of lions and not have some decent pictures of the memorable event to show your friends and family back home.
Unfortunately many people who go on safari don't realize that the camera lens you take with you will be the deciding factor between getting wildlife photos where the subject is an unrecognizable blob in a sea of vegetation compared to a crisp, tightly framed image of that black maned leader of the lion pride.
I've been practicing wildlife photography on safari for over twenty years now and I've learnt which are the best lenses to arm yourself with when you go into the African bush to capture lasting, quality images you will be proud to display to anyone.
My recommendations here are for the occasional wildlife photographer such as someone going on an African safari and not for professional wildlife photographers as they have different needs when it comes to camera lenses because they take photographs for a living.
To help you choose a lens to take with you on safari, here is a list of the factors you need to take into account before putting your money down...
1. Size Of The Lens
Anything less than a 300mm lens for the big game you will encounter on safari like lion, rhino, elephant etc will be too small. A 400mm lens will allow you to get good pictures of the smaller animals like bushbuck, vervet monkey and the like. If you are aiming for bird photographs then a 600 mm lens will do the trick.
2. Your Budget
It's very easy to find lenses that cost thousands of dollars but if you are primarily going to be using it for your safari trip and maybe a smattering of wildlife photography after that, you shouldn't be spending more than a few hundred dollars. It is possible to get a lens of high enough quality for your purpose in that price range.
3. Image Stabilization
It's not imperative but if you can get a lens with an image stabilizer it's a huge advantage on a safari because you can handhold the lens without too much fear of blurring in good light which is especially useful if you are not next to a window in the safari vehicle or don't have enough space to position your beanbag or tripod.
4. Zoom Ability
On safari one lens is better than two because of the nature of your subject. When you come across a leopard you won't have time to switch lenses on your camera body because they tend not to stick around for too long so one lens with a good zoom is a big advantage to capture the very shy wildlife you will encounter. Another reason not to change lenses is that dust that is prevalent on an African safari can cause the camera mechanisms to clog up.
So keep these four factors in mind before you make your purchase and if you can find a lens that conforms to all the above requirements than you have a winner.
Here is how to choose the best wildlife camera for your safari and which specific cameras come out tops in the compact and SLR categories.
These are the four best African photo safari National Parks and Game reserves.
Article Source:
It would be a great shame to come across your first African pride of lions and not have some decent pictures of the memorable event to show your friends and family back home.
Unfortunately many people who go on safari don't realize that the camera lens you take with you will be the deciding factor between getting wildlife photos where the subject is an unrecognizable blob in a sea of vegetation compared to a crisp, tightly framed image of that black maned leader of the lion pride.
I've been practicing wildlife photography on safari for over twenty years now and I've learnt which are the best lenses to arm yourself with when you go into the African bush to capture lasting, quality images you will be proud to display to anyone.
My recommendations here are for the occasional wildlife photographer such as someone going on an African safari and not for professional wildlife photographers as they have different needs when it comes to camera lenses because they take photographs for a living.
To help you choose a lens to take with you on safari, here is a list of the factors you need to take into account before putting your money down...
1. Size Of The Lens
Anything less than a 300mm lens for the big game you will encounter on safari like lion, rhino, elephant etc will be too small. A 400mm lens will allow you to get good pictures of the smaller animals like bushbuck, vervet monkey and the like. If you are aiming for bird photographs then a 600 mm lens will do the trick.
2. Your Budget
It's very easy to find lenses that cost thousands of dollars but if you are primarily going to be using it for your safari trip and maybe a smattering of wildlife photography after that, you shouldn't be spending more than a few hundred dollars. It is possible to get a lens of high enough quality for your purpose in that price range.
3. Image Stabilization
It's not imperative but if you can get a lens with an image stabilizer it's a huge advantage on a safari because you can handhold the lens without too much fear of blurring in good light which is especially useful if you are not next to a window in the safari vehicle or don't have enough space to position your beanbag or tripod.
4. Zoom Ability
On safari one lens is better than two because of the nature of your subject. When you come across a leopard you won't have time to switch lenses on your camera body because they tend not to stick around for too long so one lens with a good zoom is a big advantage to capture the very shy wildlife you will encounter. Another reason not to change lenses is that dust that is prevalent on an African safari can cause the camera mechanisms to clog up.
So keep these four factors in mind before you make your purchase and if you can find a lens that conforms to all the above requirements than you have a winner.
Here is how to choose the best wildlife camera for your safari and which specific cameras come out tops in the compact and SLR categories.
These are the four best African photo safari National Parks and Game reserves.
Article Source:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Olympus SP-800UZ , Portable Ultrazoom
Back up your DSLR system with the 14-megapixel Olympus SP-800UZ, which comes with an impressive 30x optical zoom lens, the equivalent of a 28-840mm Æ’/2.8-5.6 in 35mm format. The Dual Image Stabilization system combines sensor-shift stabilization with high ISO sensitivity and fast shutter speeds to compensate for camera shake. By simply hitting a button, the camera records 720p HD video. The three-inch LCD features a wide viewing angle and anti-glare technology, helping you compose and shoot even under bright sunlight. The 12-megapixel SP-600UZ has a 28-420mm Æ’/3.5-5.4 (35mm equivalent) lens, a 2.7-inch LCD and records video.
Estimated Street Price: $349 (800UZ); $249 (600UZ).
Photography Tips
Estimated Street Price: $349 (800UZ); $249 (600UZ).
Photography Tips
Nik Software Silver Efex Pro
Outdoor photographers interested in black and white works should try Nik Software Silver Efex Pro, which makes it easier to produce first-class black and white results than ever before.
Like all of the company's software, the controls are intuitive and conceived from the perspective of a photographer rather than a software engineer. There are a number of presets you can choose from , and once selected , you can fine-tune the effect.
Like all of the company's software, the controls are intuitive and conceived from the perspective of a photographer rather than a software engineer. There are a number of presets you can choose from , and once selected , you can fine-tune the effect.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Think Quick
If you're a photographer what will you do/think if this happen to you ???

me ?
i think Aperture Priority , F4.0 and some Wide Lense
Photography Tips
me ?
i think Aperture Priority , F4.0 and some Wide Lense
Photography Tips
Thursday, June 24, 2010
New Interface And Features on Flickr
Flickr is preparing to launch new interface for their services. They claim that the new interface and features will enhance users experience on navigating , sharing and telling photos. Flickr's users able to opt-in for a preview of the new photo experience .
More feature information available on Flickr's Blog.
Photography Tips
For over six years, you’ve made Flickr the place to be for photos. Billions of photos of the places you’ve been, the things you’ve seen, and the people in your lives. It’s an amazing photographic record that continues to amaze us. So as part of our Ongoing Quest to Make Flickr More WonderfulTM, we’d like to introduce… a new photo page!
More feature information available on Flickr's Blog.
Photography Tips
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
How Much Do You Need Image Stabilisation On Your Lens/Camera ?
How important image stabilisation is to you depends on whether you take the most of your shots using your camera's kit lens or use a telephoto zoom. If you mostly use the kit zoom for example , there may be not be that many occasions when you really need stabilisation. Certainly , it will help in low light and when shooting at maximum zoom in poor lighting but it's far from essential.
With telephoto zooms , though, it is another matter. The longer focal length make camera shake more likely happen and you need much faster shutter speeds to get sharp shots. This means you are more likely to encounter lighting conditions where shake is likely. So while Nikon's new 18-55mm VR kit lens , for example , might be not an essential buy , the new VR version of its 55-200mm telephoto certain is worth considering.
Photography Tips
With telephoto zooms , though, it is another matter. The longer focal length make camera shake more likely happen and you need much faster shutter speeds to get sharp shots. This means you are more likely to encounter lighting conditions where shake is likely. So while Nikon's new 18-55mm VR kit lens , for example , might be not an essential buy , the new VR version of its 55-200mm telephoto certain is worth considering.
Photography Tips
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
9 Tips To Take A Better Portrait Photograph
Taking pictures of individual people is often the mainstay of general PR and editorial work. But there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. What I am going to look at it how to take a classic portrait shot, suitable for use as a PR image.Before you go on to try more elaborate or way-out methods of photographing people at least manage to try and perfect the classic portrait.
There are a number of hints and tips for this one, so let's get going
1.Make sure your camera is vertical not horizontal
For the classic portrait shot you want your camera to be oriented vertically. This suits the image much better and avoids you having to crop off large amounts of wasteful image to the left and right of the subject's head.
2.Make sure that the subject is not up against a wall
I always believe that if the background adds something to an image keep it in. If it doesn't then get rid of it. The problem with a lot of digital cameras nowadays, especially the smaller compact ones, is that they have tremendous depth of field. That is, a heck of a lot is in focus. If your subject is near to their background the chances are that it will be sharp too, which is very distracting. So keep them at least eight feet away from their background and DON'T use a brick wall either - it always looks like a mug shot from "Prisoner cell Block H"!
3. Shoot at their eye level
This is the best option - I usually put a chair in place for the sitter and then set my camera up on a tripod or hold it so that I am at their eye level. This gives the best perspective.
4. Don't use a wide-angle lens
Most compact digital cameras automatically default to their wide-angle settings when you first switch them on. This is the worst possible setting for a portrait. For a start you have to get way to close to the person you are photographing to fill the frame. Secondly, you then get terrible distortion - like looking into the back of a spoon.
The solution is to go back until you are about six feet away from the person and then zoom in to fill the frame. This will give more flattering perspective and help to make the background more blurred. It will also help to get rid of distracting elements in the background.
There are a number of hints and tips for this one, so let's get going
1.Make sure your camera is vertical not horizontal
For the classic portrait shot you want your camera to be oriented vertically. This suits the image much better and avoids you having to crop off large amounts of wasteful image to the left and right of the subject's head.
2.Make sure that the subject is not up against a wall
I always believe that if the background adds something to an image keep it in. If it doesn't then get rid of it. The problem with a lot of digital cameras nowadays, especially the smaller compact ones, is that they have tremendous depth of field. That is, a heck of a lot is in focus. If your subject is near to their background the chances are that it will be sharp too, which is very distracting. So keep them at least eight feet away from their background and DON'T use a brick wall either - it always looks like a mug shot from "Prisoner cell Block H"!
3. Shoot at their eye level
This is the best option - I usually put a chair in place for the sitter and then set my camera up on a tripod or hold it so that I am at their eye level. This gives the best perspective.
4. Don't use a wide-angle lens
Most compact digital cameras automatically default to their wide-angle settings when you first switch them on. This is the worst possible setting for a portrait. For a start you have to get way to close to the person you are photographing to fill the frame. Secondly, you then get terrible distortion - like looking into the back of a spoon.
The solution is to go back until you are about six feet away from the person and then zoom in to fill the frame. This will give more flattering perspective and help to make the background more blurred. It will also help to get rid of distracting elements in the background.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
DOF Calculator For Blackberry
Photography Tips
Depth of Field: The zone, or range of distances, within a scene that will record as sharp ... It is one of the most creative and profound effects available to photographers. (George Schaub, 2003)There are some ways to use your Blackberry phone as DOF calculator :
- The simplest way of course by navigating to DOFMaster . Open your BB browser and go to the site . I cant find a mobile version site ( WAP ) so if you know one , please share !
- Download this blackberry app , FREE , Blackberry Depth of Field Calculator by . I've tried this app and i am not disappointed at all . Usefull stuff !!
- Or, buy this commercial app on Blackberry App World . Depth Of Calculator by GLN LLC . Check it here . "Calculate the Depth of Field for a camera (including DSLR) and lens combinations. Calculates the hyperfocal distance of the selected camera/lens."
Photography Tips
Five Classic Exposure Problems You Should Know
Landscapes with bright skies
Sunny days arent usually too much of a problem , since blue skies have a similar brightness to sunlit landscapes. On overcast or stormy days , the sky if proportioonally much brighter. The sky and the beach hut in this shot are at the opposite extremes of the camera's dynamic range. The camera meter might find a good exposure compromise , but a manual averaging of the sky and the ground exposure is the most reliable way to record both the shadow and the highlight detail adequately
Backlighting And Silhoutettes
Camera dont know what you want . There were two ways of shooting this subject as a sillhoutte where the background is correctly exposed , or with a more generous exposure which shows detail in the subject but lets the background overexpose . Both work as picture , but it is up to you to tell the camera which treatment you want .
Sunny days arent usually too much of a problem , since blue skies have a similar brightness to sunlit landscapes. On overcast or stormy days , the sky if proportioonally much brighter. The sky and the beach hut in this shot are at the opposite extremes of the camera's dynamic range. The camera meter might find a good exposure compromise , but a manual averaging of the sky and the ground exposure is the most reliable way to record both the shadow and the highlight detail adequately
Backlighting And Silhoutettes
Camera dont know what you want . There were two ways of shooting this subject as a sillhoutte where the background is correctly exposed , or with a more generous exposure which shows detail in the subject but lets the background overexpose . Both work as picture , but it is up to you to tell the camera which treatment you want .
Friday, June 18, 2010
5 Easy Tips To Photograph Cakes
Close To Your Subject
cut out distracting elements and zoom in close to your subject. Fill the frame where possible
Use Tripod
Getting that close and personal with the dish of the day means you'll need the added stabilisation of a tripod
Dont Ignore The Background
Use a white or black or any non distracting background to keep the focus of the shot on the food
Order Of Importance
Display foods of most importance in the dish at the top or front of the setup and focus on these
Think Garmish
Think about colours and use a sprig of parsley or wedge of lemon to enhance the look of your dish
Photography Tips
food photography,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Capturing Birds In Flight
Although many cameras have Sports mode , it is best to stick to aperture priority , shutter - priority or program options. If you want to learn on the jo. Set your ISO according to the weather conditions, keeping it as low as possible to avoid unnecessary noise.
You'll need a shutter speed of around 1/500sec or faster to freeze the action , but its worth experimenting it with slower speeds to introduce a little motion blur in the wings. Birds are pretty speedy creatures and if you're going for frozen shots , it is advisable to take advantage of your camera's burst mode capabilities. Dont go firing off shots randomly , however ; just squeze the shutter release and shoot a few frames as you track the bird's flight path.
Photography Tips
You'll need a shutter speed of around 1/500sec or faster to freeze the action , but its worth experimenting it with slower speeds to introduce a little motion blur in the wings. Birds are pretty speedy creatures and if you're going for frozen shots , it is advisable to take advantage of your camera's burst mode capabilities. Dont go firing off shots randomly , however ; just squeze the shutter release and shoot a few frames as you track the bird's flight path.
Photography Tips
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
11 Great Shots Your Town Is Hiding
- Details and abstracts
here's a theme that you can shoot locally in any type of weather . Using a portrait lens or telephoto zoom , crop in and fill the frame on all the colourful patterns and textures you can find that make intresting abstract compositions in their own right.
- Stunning Architecture
Most buildings have something photogenic to commed them , from the shiny new office block to the dilapidated garden shed. In the right light they can all look amazing
- Parks & Wildlife
A wild space or park in which to sit or walk and get some fresh air away from the din of traffic. These greens oases are perfect as weekday fix for the frustrated wildlife and landscape photographer who cant get out into the wilderness until the weekend
- Sacred Places
Nearly everyone has a photo of a church or graveyard in the collection . These scared ancient buildings are full of picture potential - from a colourful stained glass windows to spooky infrared shots on stormy days , gargoyles , doorways and religious details shots
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